Securing money to grow business takes time, effort and quite a bit of energy. That is, unless a person is working with a company like iAdvance Now.
The president of iAdvance Now, Eddie Hamid, has focused on making a business that helps out those who need proper resources to grow. I sat down with him to get a bit more information on how his company works, and why he has been able to see so much success.
For those who might not quite understand exactly how iAdvanced Now works, what is your company about?
The simplest way to put it is that we offer an alternative solution to finance businesses, if you want more idea check this review. What we found is that there were a lot of people frustrated with the norm. Applying for money takes time and effort, and there’s no guarantee that everything will work out. We knew that a better solution had to be out there.
How are you better than traditional lending companies?
For starters, we have a very fast process that takes one or two days at the most. That is simply impossible to find at a bank or traditional lending company.
We also do what we can to accept as many people as possible. There are simply too many people getting turned down for loans, and that holds back a business.
Finally, iAdvance Now really focuses on making the customer experience as smooth as possible. We don’t try to fast talk clients, overwhelm them with terms and conditions, or mess up their growth in any way. When our clients grow and have success, we have success.
What type of funding options do you provide?
I would say that most advances we approve are for a few thousand dollars. A person can apply for as little as $500, or over $1 million depending on their needs. Obviously, someone asking for a lot of money might need to jump a few more hurdles, but we have worked with some pretty high-end clients and have not had issues.
Why do you think traditional loans take so much time?
I think it is a common case of thinking that is the way things should be. When the Internet started to really take off, people started to realize there were alternative funding options out there.
It seems like the banks need to either evolve or accept being passed by the competition.
What advice would you give to business owners before applying for funding assistance from you?
The better the plans are, usually the higher the chance of success. That means applying and asking for the right amount of money. No one wants to ask for too much, because then they might be tempted to spend it on things they don’t need.
If a person asks for too little, they then have to apply again and see what is available. That just draws out the entire process quite a bit. Have a plan ready and stick to it.
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